Convert or Die, Stinkin Infidels !
BULLETIN: "We were forced to convert to Islam at gunpoint," Fox News reporter, Steve Centanni said. "It was something we felt we had to do because they had the guns, and we didn't know what the hell was going on."
As you recall, I mentioned that I, too had converted to Islam this past week. Since then I have related to JOURNAL readers the profiling problems that I incurred while playing golf. Being called a "camel jockey" or a "raghead" is not fun, especially when you are trying to sink a four foot slider for a bogey. But I do have to say that knowing that I have 72 nubile hotties waiting for me at the great 19th hole in the sky makes it easier to swallow.
As a card-carrying Muslim, I found it very disappointing that Steve Centanni and his side-kick, Olaf Wilg, had to be forced at gunpoint to join this piece loving religion. (Pun not intended) Evidently their captors failed to mention the ancillary benefits that ultimately convinced me that I was on the right trail of those elusive varmints sequestered somewhere in the great beyond.
What should have been a "where do I sign" situation became a very nasty incident that only demonstrates to the neo-cons that the pathologic fascists of this religion are bogged down. Instead of trying to sell the sizzle, they are attempting to sell a tough steak. They evidently have never heard of Dale Carnegie. Maybe we should air lift a few million copies to the ragheads (OOPS!) that's me....Damn, I still have a hard time believing that I exchanged my golf trolley for a camel.
Signing off........