BILLINGSGATE JOURNAL (Dateline Washington)BULLETIN: Once again, whether by choice or chance, George Bush has thoroughly pissed off many of his conservative supporters by nominating his legal sidekick, Harriet Miers, for the Supreme Court. Most of us felt disregarded because of his failure to seriously address the illegal alien problem. Now that he has nominated Miers, further damage has been done to his most faithful supporters. To calm the seas he appointed Vice President Cheney to sooth the ire of Rush Limbough. The Vice President assured Rush that Miers was "one of us." Now that Ann Coulter, Pat Buchanan, Peggy Noonan and George Will have all denounced him for his choice, he can only say, "trust me," to placate those of us who don't (trust him).
When he says "trust me," is he trying to tell us that he knows this lady so well that he can guarantee that Harriet Miers will use her vote on the Supreme Court to advance our conservative causes for the next 20 years? What makes him believe this unless she specifically told him that her goal on the Court will be to screw Ruth Ginsberg and the ACLU everytime she can? Can this President who deplores judges who "legislate from the bench," guarantee that Harriet Miers won't fall into the same trap that other so called conservative justices have fallen into after being indoctrinated by Washington and New York liberals? Who can not fall sway to Barbara Streisand when she purrs in your ear?
We all know what is at stake if Miers turns from being an evangelical conservative to a diabolical liberal. When you look at the list of mistakes Republican Presidents have made; Nixon naming Blackwell, Ford naming Stevens, Reagan naming O'Connor and Anthony Kennedy, and the hapless George Bush responsible for the classic turnaround traitor, Justice Souter, who can feel good when Dubya says, "trust me?"
George Will said that Bush " has neither the inclination nor the ability to make sophisticated judgments about competing approaches to construing the Constitution." If this is true, one wonders about his ability to look people in the eye, as he did Russian President, Vladimir Putin, and know what's in their heart. He claims that he has also looked Harriet Miers in the eye and knows what is in her heart. Are we willing to take that chance, and if Bush is wrong, see our country flushed down the toilet by liberal judges who look to a decadent and diseased Europe for their inspiration?
NOTE: Dr. BILLINGSGATE was inadvertently not considered for the 2005 Nobel Peace Prize. I have been assured that it was an oversight. Trust me.