Thursday, October 27, 2005

Lewinsky and Kaczynski again


BULLETIN: Even though Dr. BILLINGSGATE is joining fellow Neo-Cons in mourning the loss of Harriet Miers as a candidate for the Supreme Court, he stills believes that the United States will survive this crisis if all citizens follow the erudite advice of Curley (Three Stooges): "If you are trying to think and nothing happens, break the silence with a fart. Everyone will forget you're an idiot."

Talking about idiots, I am being deluged by reader requests for more and (better) limericks. If anyone believes that the Doctor is plagiarizing these babies off some obscure internet site, the following limerick should dispel any concern about who is responsible for these masterpieces.

If you don't like this one, you obviously lack the discretionary taste that separates man from beast.

If Kaczynski sent a letter to Lewinsky
As she played a tune on Willy's flutinski
Would the President be blown up twice
While he was in Monica's head vice
Or would it be just another singlisky?

And you thought I was just another dork with ten Doctorates. Chill out, liberal scumbags. The Doctor has spoken.


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