Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Kerry: Nuisance tax on terrorism


BULLETIN: If Kerry's position(s) on the war on terrorism wasn't(weren't) blurred before, his statement in the liberal Gotham City Fish Wrap on Sunday adds fodder to those who already held the belief that Kerry has no grasp of reality. In wishing that terrorism might someday be relegated into the cheap seats of nuisancedom, might he later wish to put a nuisance tax on terrorism to balance the budget?

BILLINGSGATE believes that this idea has merit, especially if the tax could be applied retroactively. Think of how much money might be collected if such minor nuisance terrorism acts as the USS Cole bombing and the first bombing of the World Trade Center were taxed? If we ever catch bin Laden one hopes that he doesn't file for Chapter 11 relief.

If by some chance Kerry were to be elected, will he also propose a new terror alert color, say nuisance tinted green, so that bin Laden doesn't go over board in his next attack? What level of casualties will Kerry accept before he declares the terrorists of being in non-compliance with his nuisance ordinance? Will he bring in the UN to vote on each attack, letting them decide what is the appropriate response. Just a few of the questions that need to be answered before we accept his plan for a nuisance tax.

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